To Report ICE Activity call 844-864-8341


To Report ICE Activity call 844-864-8341 *

H o w C O R R N w o r k s

Callers can use the 24/7 hotline either to report ongoing ICE activity or to document a past experience with ICE. If the cal is for curent activity, trained volunteers will respond at the scene to document the activity and ensure that all those involved know their rights. If not, the caller can leave a message and a member of the CORRN Docu-Team will follow up with them to record the details of their story.

They use documentation to monitor police/ICE collaboration, find patterns that can guide our legislative efforts, and build a strong statewide network of people resisting deportations in their own communities. The testimonies of directly impacted people helped Colorado repeal our "show me your papers" law that forced local police to act a s ICE agents in 2013.


GET ORGANIZED! You can start by organizing in your neighborhoods and alerting each other of ICE activity or Police Activity.

When we work together, WE are the BIG FISH and ICE is the little fish!